Melissa Dean, MD
It is my mission to help people live their lives the best way they can. To provide men and women with treatments which enhance healing, how people feel about and how they see themselves. The Vampire Lift Series is just one more way that we provide to enhance the appearance of your skin. The look and feel of your skin is a affects how vibrant and healthy you are on the inside, and with the treatments we can provide, it will show people how you feel on the outside.
Florida Atlantic University
University of South Florida
University of South Florida
Ross University of Med
Orlando Regional Hosp
Amer Acad of Anti Aging And Regenerative Med
Masters Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine
Bachelor Science of Nursing
Masters in Science of Nursing
Adult Nurse Practitioner
Doctor of Medicine
Residency Training
Fellow in Training
International Studies: I have traveled to Ireland, Central America, and the Amazon to study local medicine or provide medical missions to the area.